Lately time and time again, it has been impressed upon my heart how short life can be and how there truly are no guarantees. My line of work constantly reminds my heart of the sometimes gruesome reality that my life is so immensely blessed; as trauma, loss, and pain are a regular occurrence with some of the kiddos I work with. This constant reality reminds me to hug my loved ones more, and longer, and to make sure that I'm being intentional with time spent and loving words.
Today, thanksgiving, has been a wonderful day. Sam's parents have been here and are still here - it being a wonderful low key day. I can't even say that I spent that much time in the kitchen, as Sam's amazing and sweet mom did most of the cooking. The weather was glorious today, blue skies and sunshine - and time was spent both inside and outside.
So here is my list ... I copied my one from before to ensure I didn't write the same thing twice (as it is much easier to have it on here and then to go back and forth).
1. For my Father that loves me UNCONDITIONALLY
2. For the promptings, leadings, and comfort of the Holy Spirit
3. For the heater that blows every day in my house and keeps us all WARM all throughout the year
4. For that we OWN a house, and never have to worry about where we will sleep or be for the night.
5. For the dishwasher that is right now running and is WASHING our dishes from the day for us so that we don't have to do it
6. For the fact that all of my children and husband are overall HEALTHY, and no one is fighting a life threatening disease or illness
7. For our easily ACCESSIBLE and amazing local pediatrician who has a manageable caseload of clients, and consequently provides stellar care for each one of my children, whenever needed
8. For the fact that we have health coverage for EVERY single person in my family and that that is not something I have to ever worry about
9. For the clean water that run out of our faucets whenever we want or need it
10. That each one of my children is SAFE in my house right now, soon to be tucked into their own sweet beds by their dad and I
11. That God gave me the SACRED gift of my husband 16 years ago, a gift that so daily blesses me in a countless amount of ways
12. For the amazing CREATION that so defines our area of the country, the beautiful Northwest; the mountains and oceans blessing and always filling up my soul
13. For that we don't have to worry about whether we will have enough food to eat
14. For our amazing, sweet, and awesome Aimee and how much she pours into each one of our lives
15. For every single one of my children's teachers as each one of them is a gift in their own right
16. For the partnership that Sam and I have, that we don't have defined roles and expectations but that we instead just do whatever needs to be done within the house, outside of the house, and with our jewels
17. For Bella's sweet and tender heart
18. For Faith's passionate way of living out her life
19. For Matteus thoughtful and affectionate ways
20. For Ella's spunk and love of life
21. For Kody's contagious enthusiasm that seems to never run out
22. For Jase's gazillion ways of loving me
23. For Lillyana's smile that lights up my entire world
25. For Sam's job
26. For my work and the amazing staff that I get to work with
27. For my incredible new boss who is simply stellar
28. For on-line shopping and how incredibly easy it makes my life
29. For walks
30. For bike-rides
31. For our trampoline and the hours of fun and sensory input it provides our kids
32. For Dr. Purvis and her team at TCU and the way their research has completely forced Sam and I to change our parenting, consequently radically transforming our lives
33. For that I got the privilege to go and be trained by Dr. Purvis at TCU
34. For our amazing senior Pastor (Pastor Kim) and the way that God has time and time again used him in my life (I don't think God using any other man as profoundly as He has used Pastor Kim)
35. For my in-laws for so many reasons
36. For Starbuck's caramel macchiatos
37. For my espresso maker that makes me a decaf coffee every morning
38. For that God's plans for my life were so much better than my own
39. For my once a month dinner dates with my sister Rebekka
40. For healthy two way attachment with each one of my jewels
41. For the fact that my husband is not just my husband - but also my best friend and love of my life
42. For each one of these best friends and the too many ways to count ways that God blesses me through each one of them
43. Diddo to the last one, so incredibly thankful for these best friends (our friendship beginning many years ago at TWU)
44. For sushi
45. For each one of my sisters and their sweet families as well (there are some missing in this picture)
46. For my upcoming trip to the Faroe Islands (in March - YEAH)
47. For every single detail that God took care of in making each one of our jewels "our" jewel
48. For worship music
49. For the freedom to worship my Father, God, and Creator anytime I want
50. For spontaneous play dates with one of my besties which sometimes simply include Costco runs
51. For my dad
52. For my mom
53. For my brother although I miss him terribly as he lives too far away
54. For each one of my step-sisters and for each one of their incredible courage
55. For our sweet new Guinea pigs and how much our jewels LOVE them!!
My list just kind of kept going ... although I could keep going, but for today I think I'll stop!