Going on an airplane!

It is totally surreal.  It is totally crazy --- AWESOME!!  In FOUR sleeps (what?!?!? I still can't believe it myself) I will be on an airplane that will first take me to Iceland, at which point I will take a shuttle to a smaller domestic airport, where I will catch a plane to the Faroe Islands.  For those of you who have NO IDEA where this is, I thought I would take this opportunity to share where it is :)

A little unique story about me goes something like this.  I spent the first 11 years of my life living in this amazingly sweet and beautiful country, surrounded by the ocean (literally), sheep (literally), and so much extended family (literally).  Right before my 11th birthday my parents made a huge decision to move to Canada (my mom's birth country), and we boarded a freighter (huge ship carrying cargo)
and travelled across the ocean (no exaggeration) to Canada.  I don't remember much of our one week or so voyage, as I spent most of my days underground feeling very sick.  I do remember though very clearly coming to Canada, everything was SO BIG compared to the Faroe Islands.  I remember my first day of school, of NOT being able to speak one word of English.  I remember feeling very shy and nervous, having to write my name on the board as my teacher did not have my name on his list (he was only told that I was coming) and I could not speak English and consequently could not spell out my name.  I remember grieving the loss of my birth country and being VERY angry with my parents for making us move, declaring that I was going to move back to the Faroe Islands when I was a grown up, and that I would NEVER marry a Canadian (which actually did happen as I married an American ;).

In high school my sister and I went back for one summer, and right before Isabella turned 2, Sam and Sweets and I went back.  The pictures were taken on this trip and are of some of the people that I'm looking forward to seeing, there being MANY missing people from the pictures (cousins, uncles, aunts, childhood friends ... too many names to list). 
The third picture down is of my dad and Bella, SO sweet.  My dad now lives in the Faroe Islands and I can't wait to see him!! 
The second picture is of my Omma (grandma) named Isabella, and she is who Bella is named after (what a precious picture).  My Omma is now in heaven with Jesus.  She was one of my very favourite people growing up and I decided when I was just a girl that I would name my daughter (if I had one) after her.  She was so incredibly kind and tender, and loved me so well. 
The next picture down is my aunt and uncle who we'll be staying with - love them.  The last one is of one my cousins and his wife, who happens to be someone I used to play with when little ...  I really feel like I have at least 100 relatives in the Faroe Islands ... I'll have to count when I'm there.
Here's another very sweet part of my trip, Matteus IS coming with me.  Thanks to my dad for being so incredibly generous in helping to fly us home!!  I love you dad!
AND another sweet detail is that my sister Esther will be there as well with her two precious jewels (her hubby flies home this week before I get there), ANDDDDDDDDDDD

my sister Rebekka will be there too!!  It WILL BE SWEET!!!
THANK YOU JESUS for all of our life details that you have so clearly orchestrated.  I am now THANKFUL for that I did move to Canada.  Had I not, I would never have married Sam and I cannot even begin to imagine living my life without him.  Nor would we have this crazy and amazing family that God has SO blessed us with!!  It is quite mind blowing to think of the "trek" that it took for both of us to "meet" ... him being born in South Korea and living in Chicago before heading off to TWU on the West Coast ... me being born in the Faroe Islands and living outside of Toronto before heading off to TWU on the West Coast.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!
THANK YOU JESUS for this trip!!!
THANK YOU to my SUPER AMAZING HUBBY for letting me go ;) and THANK YOU to him for ALL of the things he will do for our jewels when I'm gone :)


Anonymous said…
Hi there!

I hope this message finds you well!

My name is Lande Yoosuf and I am from Cry Baby Media (www.crybaby-media.com), a New York City based company that develops projects for various television networks and production companies.

We are currently casting for a major cable network and are seeking families that have decided on transracial adoption. This series aims to resemble a modern day "Different Strokes". While that show is a comedy, this series wants to explore both the good and complicated experiences of parents who are taking on the responsibility of transracial parenthood.

The show's format is not written in stone and would be ironed out once the network decides they have identified their preferred talent.

We are doing outreach to individuals throughout the country and I would love to connect with anyone that you believe fits what we're looking for.

I can be reached at either 646-493-2406 or at lande@crybaby-media.com.

Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you!