God is continuing to teach me to look for the unexpected in my every day life. Today was such a good example of this, that I felt I needed to share it.
About 22 years ago, I spent two summers in an inner- city, living and doing ministry. I loved every single minute of it, and God use those two summers to instill in me as a twenty year old, a passion for helping at risk and struggling children, children who have experienced trauma. As a side, I also got to meet some of the most amazing people those two summers, one of who was the family that I got to live with that second summer. They were so incredibly kind to me, to this day I cherish them and the time spent with them.
It was hugely because of those two summers, that I am doing the job that I am doing today. I had a full day at work today AND an awesome day at work. It was a good reminder to me that regardless of the hard of my life, that God can still use me with the gifts, passions, and talents that He has given me. Today reminded me, that I am exactly where my Father wants me. Oh wow, did I need that reminder and affirmation from my Father.
One of the reasons that I always only wanted two children was because I knew that I was wired to work outside of the home and I did not think that I would be a good mamma if I had more than two children. I have no idea where I got that notion from, now I know that God calls each one of us to different things, and that He fills in the gaps when we need him to. I now know that we can do nothing aside from God, whether we have two kids, four kids, or nine kids. I think I created that notion because I was so trying to control my own life, I am still working on that.
These Days, in the midst of everything that we are walking out with Jax, I am simultaneously asking my father whether He is directing me to make some changes, nothing major or profound. Although it is for me, as I am such a thinker and planner, and one of the things that we are praying about it something I said I would never do. And for those of you who know me well, you know that I am going through that list of things that I've said I would never do as God keeps asking me to do those things. Today reminded me to keep trusting my God with the plans that He has for my life as they are way better than my plans.
I work as an elementary school counselor, but to me it's so much more than a job. It is my ministry and it's part of who I think God has created me to be. My days at work are often mixed, and honestly it is a job where I usually don't get a lot of positive feedback for what I am doing. I don't mean that as a negative, nor is it against anyone, it is just the job of a school counselor I believe (and some other jobs too). I honestly love the people that I work with and truly consider it a joy to work alongside them, and I know that I need to encourage them way more than what I do. So, it's a two way street. Although I have to say that my friend Chelsey is encouraging me so much these days, thank you Chelsey! I posted some pictures of some of the awesome people I work, although there are many more. We are just all always so busy that I know I often think it but don't say it. I need to thank people more and encourage them more as I honestly see greatness every day at my work, if I pause and take notice!
And with the work that I do, I don't always get to see the fruits of my work. Today was a great day, I day where I felt really effective. Even as I write this, I hear my father saying, "Maria remember, it is not about you, it is about me."
Seven kids ago, I also knew that I wanted to work because I knew that God had put a passion in my heart for at risk traumatized children. Today He again reminded me of just that, and I feel like He blessed so many interactions that I had with kids today. Today was full of the unexpected, and it blessed my socks
off. My heart is full.
My favorite part of my job is to work with group kids. Yes, I also love teaching in the classes and today alone I got to teach in one kindergarten class, two first grade classes, one third grade class, one fourth grade class, and one second grade class that happens to be my son's class. Today I taught on Kelsos Choice and bullying. I got to read one of my favorite books, called Weird 😉. And I love that part of my job, I love teaching skills that hopefully will help the students do better in life as kids, teenagers, and adults. I love seeing them learn new things. I love it when they understand things that they did not understand before. I love it when they are engaged with what I am teaching and are excited about it. All their little faces all lit up with excitement, that's pretty awesome. So yes, I spend a lot of time trying to be creative, Trying to come up with meaningful lessons. I don't always get it right, I don't always have the time to do that adequately, but on some days I feel like I do get it right. Today it felt like that with my classes, gosh, I even got to take a kindergarten class outside to read a story. We sat under one of our trees at our school, and it really was quite lovely. The weather today clearly was awesome.
I also love supporting students by supporting teachers, staff, or parents. Today I think I got to talk to about five different teachers, all awesome teachers, trying to come up with strategies to help their struggling students in their classes. We are a team and I love that, and let me tell you that there are some amazing teachers and staff on this team. I could give so many shout outs, but the list would be so long that I won't even start. I also today talked to one parent and one CPS worker. Again, I love this part of my job too. I love being able to support kids in the variety of ways that I get to do that.
Yet, my favorite thing is working with students in my office, either one-on-one or in a small group. I love getting to do the small group counseling then I get to do. It's why I believe I am doing what I'm doing. It's why I got into the work, or ministry, that I'm in. And honestly, on some days there are other things that just by necessity take priority over this. So on days like today, when I served 13 different students in small group counseling, my heart is full and blessed. I love helping kids process and walk through their trauma. I love helping kids find their VOICE around the trauma in their life, around their worries, around their struggles, around things that they need help with. I could go on and on. It is a real privilege. I love to see kids get inspired, motivated, empowered and encouraged with school, with life, with their dreams ...
Today it felt like there was breakthroughs with some of the students that I work with. This was so awesome and so huge.
And God used ME (wow God) a mom of nine children, a mom that is walking out cancer with her little boy who she loves so much, a person who every day makes mistakes and falls flat on her face.
My day at work today was full of the unexpected. Today the face of a student making a connection and understanding what I was trying to get him to see was unexpected. Today the little boy that told me that he wished he could come every day to small group counseling was unexpected. Today when the little boy told me that he now likes school (with a big grin on his face), where he previously had shared that he didn't like school and that he felt defeated at school (my paraphrase, unknown to him, we created and have implemented a 504), it was unexpected. The super genuine and thankful parent that I talk to on the phone today was unexpected. That I got to pop into Ella and Matteus's classroom and watch the both do their book chats in front of the whole class was unexpected. My awesome husband brought me coffee at work today, that was unexpected.
I could go on and on about the unexpected that I encountered today at my work but it will take too long to list it all here. I love it because My father did yes all of IT for the students that I work with because He so cares about them, but he also did it for me because He cares for me. I so needed to have that encouragement today at my work. I needed my Fathet to renew my passion and purpose in my work. My prayers are literally nonstop these days, but honestly I have not prayed for what my Father gave me today and although I did not ask for it I desperately needed it, and my Father gave it to me without me asking. What a good good Father. He once again took care of my heart.
Today at work my day was full of the unexpected but honestly so was my time at home with my jewels after work. All the many precious moments of so clearly Holy Spirit anointed connections that I had with every single one of our 9 jewels today was so astounding that it speaks itself only to something that the Creator of the Universe could do!! I am blown away! Thank you to all of you who are praying for our family, wow God!
I hope that I can continue to look for the unexpected with whatever my days bring. I hope that you can do the same. I hope that regardless of what we are walking, that God would give us eyes to see what He's doing in the midst of it, and sometimes in spite of it (or us), through us and in us! That's good stuff!!
P.S. And one of the best part of my jobs is that I get to do what I love at my jewel's school!! All around GIFT! It was book character day 😉. Kody was Martin Luthur King Jr., Matteus was Harry Potter (I was a character too) and Ella was Super Woman (and her best friend was Pippi).