"This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long." Praises as the tumors did not grow. Praises as the tumors did decrease in size. Praises as the addition of the two new drugs showed some positive results. Praises as we have the most amazing medical team and hospital available. Blows my mind!!! Continued prayers are appreciated as the tumors are still substantial. Continued prayer covering is appreciated as we are scheduled next week for intravenous chemotheraphy, the doctors trying to decide whether to add inter-ocular chemotherapy (directly in the eye). Today was bumpy for Jax, so to have to do parts of it again next week. There are no words. Please pray for renewed Holy Spirit strength. Sam Quine and I are so thankful for everyone's prayers! Praises to the Creator of the Universe who gives us the strength to do things which we could not do on our own strength!!