Roller Coaster + EXCESSIVE MIRACLES!!!!

My head is spinning.  My heart is spinning.  I really should be packing but I just can't get myself to do it. 

We heard today from the doctor that they have decided to not take Jax's eye.  He did let me know that they very well might end up taking his eye, but at this point they are going to wait.  They have decided that since he has even the "slight" vision, it is worth saving.  What!!!!!!!!!!??  I didn't expect this.  My heart is in shock.  PRAISE THE LORD!!!  I can't help but ask "Jesus, can you the EXCESSIVE OVER THE TOP MIRACLE we have been asking for.  Can you completely restore my boy's vision and completely eradicate his cancer."

The second part to this is that since they are not taking his eye they are going to start chemo IMMEDIATELY.  Immediately meaning two days from today, on Wednesday!  What!!!!!!!!!??  What!!!!??  This week, two days from now.  My heart isn't ready.  I'm not ready, in that I don't have anything prepared.

We will still go in for the "scheduled" procedure for tomorrow, where they put a line in.  Wednesday we will start chemo, which initially will be 3 days spent in the hospital.  That means Lord willing, we will be discharged on Friday or Saturday or Sunday. 

AND SINCE it's his first round of this type of chemo they are "expecting" for his white blood count to be good, so they are anticipating that we get to come home for 2-3 days before needing to return to Children's/within an hour of Children's.  What!  This is a GIFT!!!!

The thing about it though, God has already done SO MANY EXCESSIVE OVER THE TOP MIRACLES!!!  He has done them quite literally through Jax in giving him to our family, in bringing him home so quickly, and in protecting his little heart in that he is an amazing joy-filled life giving little jewel. 

AND He has done them THROUGH SO MANY of you!!  It's CRAZZZEEEEE!!!  I can't even keep up!!  From the t-shirts, to the meals, to the presents, from the messages, the creation of two different sites to support our family both financially and tangible!!!  Sam and I are both in SHOCK and TOTAL AWE!!!  We had NO EXPECATIONS for any of THIS and it's all SO EXCESSIVE!!!!  We've had dear friend create a You Caring site at

Be the FORCE for Jax Quine!  Help cover cancer care costs. (Sam and Maria Quine)

AND ALMOST $12,000 have been raised and given to our family!!!!!  Yet today on top of the $12,000 we received a check from best friends who live far away for $10,000.  What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??

AND we have another group of best friends who have created a Lotsa Community Site
and about 40 people have already joined.  People who want to help our family with tangible things.  Things such as laundry, meals, grocery shopping!  What!!!!!!!???

So whether we get the MIRACLE we asked for, I want to PRAISE MY JESUS for the MIRACLES He has done and is doing!!  And although they are DIFFERENT from the ones I've asked for, they are EXCESSIVE AND OVER THE TOP which is exactly what we have prayed for.  We prayed for a MIRACLE that was SO EXCESSIVE that could only be explained by the Creator of the Universe!!!  That is the only logical reason for what has happened during the last couple of days in the life our family, through SO MANY of you being the LITERAL HANDS AND FEET OF JESUS!!!  What!!!!??

Tomorrow, I will be one of the many mamma's at the "Cancer Wing" at Seattle Children's.   Tears.   I will press into my Jesus as I take the first steps on to this floor.  I will be brave for my son and all of the other parents who are fighting alongside their children.  I will PRAISE my Jesus for the EXCESSIVE MIRACLES He has and is doing done in my life through my precious son Jax!!!

(Sam is planning on coming tomorrow just for the day, as we are having the sit down with our doctor while they are putting the line in.  He will head back home late tomorrow afternoon.  I'm hoping he's still around during those first few minutes of being on the cancer floor, as I will need someone to hold my hand.)


Jonathan Zila said…
Praying with you and for jax from New Jersey!
Shilo Taylor said…
Oh, Maria- I've been asking God to show His visible hand in the tangible and intangible...thankful for all these things tonight. (Also, Everett continues to pray and insist over Jax's eye and I'm humbled to hear God has given this extension.)
Unknown said…
I am bawling! I gasped out loud when I read this because I've been pleading for the Lord to let Jax keep his eye. And for now, there is HOPE! And while I've been praying on your behalf and for Jax's healing... the God of the universe sees fit to hear ME and to respond to my request in a way that feels oh so personal. How marvelous! How wonderful! That He would grow and encourage MY faith while planting hope in your hearts yet again. I don't even know if this makes sense but I am praising the Lord along with you Quine family. He is so GOOD that my heart aches with joy!