New Thing!

A New Thing!

Hi everyone ...

A little update on us ...

 About a year ago we moved from the state of Washington to Arizona, from a lush green and wet state to a hot and brown state.  You can imagine the depth of this change.  A random detail about our move was that we had a fun and unexpected life change.  I never imagined that this would be me, we now own a pool.  As in we have a pool an unground pool in our backyard.  It has been a really fun thing.  It has been a gift.  I also never imagined myself living in the desert.  I actually used to think it was ugly.  God has radically changed my heart as I literally every day smile at the beautiful creation that now surrounds where I live.  I love the constant blue skies, the many palm trees, and the mountains that surround the valley.

You can imagine that moving 11 people to a new state has been full of ups and downs. This last year has felt like a roller coaster, like the really fun and scary ones at Magic Mountain.  Our emotions have been many and big.  Moving teenagers is no easy task, there have been so many tears.  Advocating for what my jewels needs at their new schools (five being on IEP's and two being on 504's) has been a huge feat.  Leaving a life we loved, has been heart crushing.

I have had to press into Jesus in new and deeper ways.  It has been a relational journey of deepening my dependence on Him.  I used to think spiritual maturity meant I would become more self-sufficient as I would figure out the big spiritual things and the big decisions of this life.  Now I realize that to become more "spiritually mature" actually means we become less self-sufficient and more Jesus dependent.

Last December my Father gave me a word from Isaiah 43:18.  In Isaiah it says,
"See (stand and be amazed), I am doing a new thing.  Now it springs up.  Do you not perceive it?"

It has been such an extraordinary and unexpected journey of God doing so many things in my heart and in my life since this word.  With that word fresh on my heart and through different stirrings, I have also heard Him say to start blogging again.  I am excited and humbled to be back on this blog.

If you are reading this,  I would love to hear from you ... please comment below!

Blessings ya'll 


Lisa said…
I'm excited that you're writing again! In love following your journey
Anonymous said…
Hugs, friend! Good to hear from you!��
shilo said…
Hooray! Looking forward to reading more.
I always love reading your blogs and insight. Your words of truth, hope and inspiration are truly treasured.
Unknown said…
My dear daughter,
What you are writing reminds me of when we all moved from the Faroes to Canada. I remember how for the first year you used to cry because you wanted to move back to the Faroes and to your friends here and it didn't matter what we did or said. Ice-cream, new nice clothing, new shoes etc. nothing worked to soothe your home longing.
Of course we had six of you but you have nine and some with extra challenge.
Life is not always easy but I can testify that God has always been there, in the valleys as well as on the mountain tops.
Yes, God has done amazing thing in all our lives and I am full of joy that you are following His nudging and whispers to you.
Unknown said…
I love reading your blogs and your love for Jesus!