Girls Weekend!

I just came back from a girl's weekend
WITH MY BIRTH SISTERS!!! I say birth sisters because I also have 3 adopted stepsisters!
It was awesome and such a gift!
3 days and 3 nights of being TOGETHER!
My sweet and very generous sister Esther used her miles and flew ALL of us to her house for the weekend!! What a precious gift this weekend was! The picture above is of all five of us! Yes we are a bit "dolled up" something which is way out of my comfort zone! My dress was on loan! My sister Esther arranged for a photographer to do a photo shoot, I can't wait to see the pictures! I'm hoping this weekend was the first of many more to come ... of us leaving life and spending time together just being sisters!
Perhaps it is apparent from the picture, perhaps not ... but we are ALL very DIFFERENT from each other and I LOVE that! We have different political views, life values, life goals and so forth ... although we all do plan on seeing each on the other side of eternity when that time does come! Yet despite our differences, I LOVE TIME WITH MY SISTERS! What JOY! My mom also came in for part of the weekend, which was also such a gift! This next picture is of me with my mom ... my mom since a little girl has always been my hero! From a very young age she through the way that she lived her life showed me what it means to life a life devoted to Christ, one where you love your "neighbor(anyone in need)" tangible, consistently, and kindly!

This is Noah my nephew ... isn't he adorable!!!! He is a miracleous gift, a precious child who we all prayed for several years that God would provide! He is actually an amazingly calm and sweet baby --- such a snuggly joy! My sister is such an awesome mom ... thank you Jesus for Noah and the miracles You've done not only in His life but also in the life of my sister and brother in law!

And so the other part of this weekend was that we all got to be a part of was Noah's dedication/babtism ... the clergy baptizing him being his grandpa (my sister's husband dad who is one of the kindest people I've met)!

Here is another picture from the special day of our side of the family, some of Jeremy's side of the family was there as well for the very important and special day!

Another HIGHLIGHT from the weekend was that we got to go wedding dress shopping! Yippeee! My youngest sister Beinta is GETTING MARRIED next April! This was so much fun and she looked soooooooooooooooooooo BEAUUUUUTIFUL!!! It was such an honor to be able to do this with her! And the guy she is marrying is an amazing man! She actually made a comment to my other sisters and I thanking us for setting the bar high for her in terms of the kind of man she should marry =) I agree!!! This is another story one that is not mine to tell! All to say that if you have a sister or a brother who you are praying for ... KEEP PRAYING ... DON'T GIVE UP HOPE! God answers our prayers, although usually not the way we expect and certainly not in our time frame! I have seen so many miracles in the lives of my sisters, the biggest miracles being changes in their hearts towards the Creator of the Universe!
