In Love

If truth be told, I am totally in love with our new son!
Isn’t he completely adorable? I think so!
Isn’t he so totally precious? I totally think so!
Doesn’t he make you wish that you had one?

Well, guess what, you can have one!
There is an estimate 143 million orphans worldwide?
That means 143 million sweet little Jases WAITING for a family of their own!!
So if you adopted one, that would be 143 million less one … see how many there is!

In China, RIGHT NOW, there are about 1200 + PAPER READY children!! That means, their paperwork is totally ready, you would just need to do yours!!! A lot of those are boys, with some kind of special need. The range of special needs is HUGE, it could be something as minor as their eyes are a bit cross eyed (in the case of the couple I met on the airplane), to clefts and palettes, and to something more serious like HIV or epilepsy for example. The ages of the boys totally ranges, Jase was only 7 months old when he went on a waiting list.

I have seen too many too count boys in their early twenties out on the street begging, all of these boys have some kind of limb deficiency … a missing hand, a missing, foot, a missing part of a leg … It completely breaks my heart as I know in China it is pretty fair to assume that they are more likely orphans, now trying to make it as adults. I shudder to think what the girl orphans are doing to try to survive.

James 1:27, “PURE religion is this, to take care of orphans and widows in their distress.” What a completely challenging TRUTH from God’s WORD!!!

My dream is that there would be NO MORE orphan crisis. It is a crisis, it is something that the generations after us will talk about and judge our generation for (I believe)! Aaagggh, what a sweet dream … a girl can dream … can’t she!!!


Shonni said…
He is so adorable.
I keep on advocating for those precious waiting ones!!!!