Orphan Care Summit!

The Orphan Care Summit VIII
May 3-4
Saddleback Church, CA
Check it out ...

Are you going???
BOTH Sam and I are trying to go.
Our first detail:  child care ... which Sam's AMAZING mom might very likely be able to come and watch our precious jewels!!!  WOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
I went to the Summit almost 3 years ago now, Sam has never been!

I was talking to the kids about Sam and I going and of course there was resistance as they prefer for us to stay home.  I jokingly (I really was joking), told them that the only problem with us going would be that we might come home and say that we should adopt again.  Our oldest immediately spoke up and said, "you should go then mom." 

It blows my heart, the heart that my Father has created in our children's for the least of these of this world, especially for orphans.

Our MAIN motivation for going this year is that Francis Chan is going to be there.  Francis Chan wrote one of our all time favorite books called, Crazy Love ( http://crazylovebook.com/).  Actually all of the key note speakers seem great!!!   Steven Curtis Chapman is the musician although my also all time favorite worship artist Meredith Andrews is doing a pre-summit night of worship with some others ...

We are also hoping that one of our closest friends on this planet who live on the East Coast (we live on the West Coast) will meet us there ... and one of our closest friends from here locally are both (husband and wife) also planning on going!!

We will see how God works out the details as to whether we will go.
In case you didn't know about the Summit, I thought I would share!
It is truly an undescribable time ... so worth it!!!
