The Question?

Is it just me, or do you also often get asked if you are planning on having or adopting more kids?
I feel like I get asked that all the time ... by people I know, and by complete strangers.
The honest truth to that answer is that my life is not my own, and that I YES will do whatever my Father asks of me.  Don't we all do WHATEVER our Father, Creator, and King asks of us?  I think for each one of us the thing He asks from us (And or the plans He has for us) are different.  EACH time we have grown our family, God's directions have been CRYSTAL CLEAR, and so despite our initial hesitation every time which usually lasts for some time, we always say yes.  Isn't that how we all operate ... we want to do and try to do whatever God puts in front of us.  For Sam and I the thing that God has repeatedly asked of us is to add ... just one more child ...
At now seven children, I'm finally (on most days), at the point of where I have stopped trying to figure out when we are "done" having children.  I truly thought we were done at two, and then I thought we were done at three, and then I thought we were done at four, and then I thought we were done at five, and then I thought ... I think you get the idea.
The thing about it for us ... is that it is so about so much more than whether we are "done."  It is about the reality for orphans here in the US and across the globe, it is about God's heart for these precious waiting jewels, and it is out of and in response to the incredible unconditional love that He has for us that we adopt.
And too many times now, my plans have not aligned up with God's plans ... that is until He redirects my heart.  So I'm at the point where I'm "trying" to not make too many plans.
Nope, we don't have ANY plans to add children to our family.
We are so incredibly blessed and busy with the seven precious jewels that we have already been entrusted with, that we personally cannot envision any more children being part of our family.  Yet simultaneously, WHATEVER, our Father asks of us we want to be live our lives in such a way that we will say YES to whatever He asks ...

The thing about it too ... at the end of the day, even when are completely exhausted laying on our couch ... we are the ones who have been so incredibly BLESSED by God's plans to be the forever parents to each one of our precious jewels!
