A Day at the Tulips!

What a wonderful day today was!!
It started with the training that I had the sacred privilege of being a part of - which went awesome!  It really was an honor and I really enjoyed it!

The weather was amazing so we thought we would carpe diem and spontaneously (yes you still can be spontaneous with 7 kids) decided to go to the Tulip Festivals (followed by some hiking at Deception Pass).  We all had a great time and as you can see the kids did great at smiling for the MANY pics I took of them =)  All of my favorites just happened to have me in them =)  I think the kids were much more excited about having their picture taken with me, instead of smiling and smiling and smiling, while mom snapped the camera.

I shared some this morning about the HARD we walked with one of our jewels ... I would have to say that I'm SO THANKFUL that right now we are not daily walking out trauma and hard anymore (really with any of our jewels).  There is still daily trauma symptoms, but none that feel unmanageable as a whole.  I am so thankful!!

Thank you Jesus for the sacred gift of each one of our jewels, and of my husband!
Thank you Jesus for the beautiful tulips that you Created!
Thank you for being my Creator and Father!!


The tulips are beautiful, but your family is breathtakingly beautiful--in so many ways!

Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said…
looks like you had a blast!
