A MONTH in Ghana ...

Tremble before Him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, "The LORD reigns!" Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the LORD, for He comes to judge the earth. Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; his love endures forever. Cry out, "Save us, O God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your Holy name, that we may glory in your praise." Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. 1 Chronicles 16

do I wish we had great news to share!
The reality is that we don't!

The reality is that Kody's passport application is no where in sight, and the Immigration Officer who is supposed to be processing it is no where in sight!

The reality is that the meeting with the Immigration Director regarding the other passports went horribly! In fact he is very much against international adoptions and at this point is not issuing the passports!

Sigh ...

The other reality for us is that very likely in 1 weeks time our AMAZING foster family will be heading to South Africa for about 1 month for their once a year vacation ... which has been planned for months! They have tried to delay the trip and will find out tomorrow if they'll need to go on July 5, or if they can delay it!

What does this mean for us you wonder?

I (Maria) will be flying to Ghana and will plan to stay until they return (about 1 month) or until the passport is issued ... which ever one comes first!!

Again, sigh ...
Yes, I'm thrilled to get to see Kody ...
But sigh ... leave Sam and the kids for ONE WHOLE MONTH!
And sigh ... spend a month by myself in Ghana ...

Sigh, sigh, sigh ...

Yet despite this, we honestly consider ourselves TOTALLY BLESSED!!! We are sons and daughters of the MOST HIGH!!! We are DEEPLY and PASSIONATELY LOVED by the CREATOR of the Universe who has BLESSED OUR LIVES beyond my WILDEST IMAGINATIONS (truly)! I have an amazing husband, 4 amazing kids, health, freedom, ... and the list goes on and on! And on top of it I know that WHATEVER the future brings, my Father nly wants the BEST thing for us - and this we FULLY TRUST!!! So although there are many details to be worked out, and although our hearts are heavy ... we are FULLY LEANING ON JESUS!!! "How can I keep from singing His praise, how can I ever say enough, how AMAZING is His love ... "


A. Gillispie said…
Maria, I am so very, very sorry that the passport saga continues. My heart just breaks for you and other families caught up in this. I am so glad that you will NOT be alone in Ghana though my dear! You will have Kody and he will be great company. I was certainly ready to come home after my month "by myself" (with Bright) last year, but it was time I now cherish. That is time that just Bright and I know about--a special connection was formed between us that nobody can take away.

I will be praying that you will come HOME with your sweet Kody when you leave after a month. God is much bigger than this immigration guy. He is. We KNOW it!
Jen said…
Maria, I also am so sorry. I kept checking today and thought I would see good news for you and your family.
As you know, I just returned from a month in Ghana- most of it by myself. If there is anything you need, questions, advice, anything, please contact me... I will be praying for you.

TLM said…
I woke up thinking about you this morning. It was about noon in Ghana and I was hopeful that the meeting had gone well. I am lifting you and your family up. If I could go with you, you know I would. If you need anything, please ask.

Covering you in prayer,
Rebecca said…
I am so sorry the passport situation wasn't resolved. I am continuing to pray for a resolution to this and for your trip to Ghana to end with Kody flying home with you.