I'm here in Ghana!

I am here in Ghana!
If truth be told it has been a difficult last couple of days for me! I have felt EXHAUSTED, physically and emotionally, (I have not slept that good) and my heart really has been torn! Although OH MY Heidi and George and the girls have been AMAZING! I feel TOTALLY TAKEN CARE OF by them!!! Their generosity, hospitality and outpouring of love and support is beyond anything I imagined!!! Sam and I both are SO thankful! They are a total inspiration to both of us of the body of Christ, and we so can see and feel His love through them! God SO knew that not only did Kody NEED them, but we did too! THANK YOU Jesus for them!
Although I have not made it to the orphanage yet, Romana and Bernard stopped by today which was encouraging, as at least now it seems we KNOW that Kody's passport is NOT being held up by the Immigration Director! We are thankful as it seems if Kody's passport was with the Immigration Director, the process ahead would be a long one (months)! Without giving too much of the specifics of the situation, PLEASE PRAY FOR THE officer (Kofi) that God would MOVE IN HIS HEART to complete the process necessary for Kody's passport, and that he (Kofi) would have NO peace until Kody's passport is done!
PLEASE ALSO PRAY for discernment, perseverernce, passion and wisdom for me! That I would know with TOTAL clarity what God is calling me to do while here in Ghana! That I would TRUST HIM fully! And that He would use me in ANY WAY to assist the process with Kody's passport! Romana mentioned me camping out at Kofi's house ... I am totally up for this ... I am hoping on a minimum to meet Kofi on Monday or Tuesday so that he can at least put a face to the passport application! PLEASE Pray that God STIR and MOVE in Kofi's heart even RIGHT NOW, to move him to ACTION!!! Just for clarity, Kofi is the Immigration Officer and not the director (he is the lower level person)!
Heidi and I are going to try to stop by the orphanage tomorrow ... and then they leave tomorrow! Sigh ...
I am having a hard time uploading e-mails, I haven't been able to upload any ... PLEASE post on the blog (you don't need an account) versus e-mailing me as I can't read the e-mails!!! I can use all of the encouragement and prayers ... :)


Rebecca said…
Hey Maria!!
We are praying for you!! You and Kody and Sam and your children at home are never far from my thoughts. How can that be when we have never met? :)
We had friends facing a similar situation in Guatemala and meeting the official face to face was just what needed to happen.
Praying, Praying!!
Momto16 said…
Hi Maria,
We are praying for you and for Kody's passport, as well as your family waiting for you to come home.
Keep on blogging- we will surely keep on praying.
Maria...glad you arrived safely! I called Sam yesterday when I heard (via eamil) that Romana wanted to "park" you at the officers house....YEAH God! You were both on the same FIGHT page!!!
We are in prayer and looking forward to the "WE GOT IT" post!
Carrie and Crew!
p.s. were you able to give Romana the package I sent with you? THANKS smoocha your kiddo from all the Blaske's!
K said…
Praying for discernment, strength and peace as you navigate all of this, and that He uses your time there for His glory!

Praying that the Lord will convict Kofi to do the RIGHT thing!

Praying you AND Kody are on a flight home soon!

I will be checking in, and praying alongside you, friend.

K :)
The Princess said…
Last night (BEFORE even reading your blog) I prayed that the passport officials would have a terrible, unsettling weekend brought on by the overwhelming conviction of the Holy Spirit. So even when you and I are not talking day to day, our hearts are indeed united! The kids are here today as Phil and Sam are out for Sam's birthday. We baked cupcakes, made birthday cards, and blew up balloons so when they get back we can have a little party! As I type, the kids are all watching Peter Pan in their blanket fort in the living room (I took pictures) They are doing well, miss their Mommy, but doing well. Bella's tooth fell out at lunch. Right in the middle of a bite of Faroese Pancakes. LOL! (I made the mistake of calling the pancakes "Swedish pancakes" and was corrected by your kids :) Love you lots and I hope your email works soon so I don't have to write for all the world to see:)

beintabear said…
hey sister!!

i hope that everything is going well for you!!!!

i love and miss you. and am so excited to see my neices and nephew tomorrow!!!!


p.s. yay for me posting!!!
K said…
Just wanted to stop by your blog to see if there was anything new to report, and send you some encouragement! You have been on my heart!

I pray you have seen some progress, or will see some soon, and also that you are at peace with everything, and trust in His plan.

I look forward to your homecoming TOGETHER!

K :)
Rebecca said…
We too are in prayer for you and are lifting each of you to Him!
Praying for passport progress!
Rebecca and family