
Have you ever been COMPLETELY blessed by some sort of anonymous and totally unexpected gift!! A gift which seems like it was directly delivered from our never-changing, always-loving, always faithful Heavenly Father! Well, today was a day like that for me and my family!
Any of you who have ever had an extended hospital stay or some kind of surgical procedure know that the medical bills tend to be enormous, even with insurance! This is now our reality after having recovered from typhoid! This multiplied with a few other factors (me taking a whole year of unpaid leave from my job, us deciding to adopt so soon after having just adopted, and the current economic state of our country) have left me at times feeling NOT so thankful and not SO trusting of God's already proven faithfulness!


In some ways though, I really thought I was handling my attitude about all of the medical bills quite well. I kept telling myself, "it is God's money anyways and not mine!" So we got the major hospital bill in the mail and quite honestly about a dozen smaller ones and I thought IT was over (it being the bills)! So we made a plan around the bills, a plan that had some major holes ... as it really didn't take into consideration all of the adoption fees/costs/expenses that are coming up :)
And then at the end of last week ... "another" bill arrived ... one for $569! Although it was not another major bill, it might as well have been! My attitude and faith waivered ... I can't remember the last time I complained so much (well I probably can remember if I spend a short amount of time thinking about it)!
Well ... today an envelope was handed to me by a friend who said an anonymous someone gave this to her and wanted her to give it to us ...

The note said
"Adopting Costs ...
Typhoid Fever Bills ...
You decide how you spend it :)"

And then it had these amazing reminders from Scripture ...
"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes," Matthew 6:33-34 (the Message)

"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

And it included $500.
What a faithful God we serve!
What a loving God we serve!
THANK YOU anonymous stranger for being obedient to God's leading, for giving so self-sacrifically, and for choosing to allow God to SOOOOO COMPLETELY BLESS AND MEET OUR FAMILY's NEED!!! Words cannot adequately describe our thankfulness!
I'm still astounded!
I'm still in shock!
I'm still totally in AWE!!!!!!


Ericka said…
NO WAY Maria!!!
That is SO COOL!!!
And if that isn't the exact 'confirmation' you need that YES you are on the right path, then I don't know what!!!!
If you ever doubt again, just look back at this post!
Very, very sweet and couldn't have happened to a nicer and more faithful family :)
Praise the Lord!! He is so good!! So excited for you all...
.....April :)