Winter Wonderland!

I am home ...

My mind is processing ...

It is difficult to take a trip to a 3rd world country and come back to"normal" at home ... especially at this time of year as our pastor says we make into USmas instead of CHRISTmas

All the sweet faces at Beacon Houses really have left an impression on my heart, each one of them have their own story, each one of them is DEARLY loved by our Father and was made in His image, each one of them to me represents the 143 million orphans, and some of them are still waiting for their forever family while others beam at any discussion involving their new forever family ...

I am guarding my heart ... I miss our bundle of joy (Ella) terribly ...

I am also trying to not only get myself back to normal, but also our 4 precious jewels at home ... each trip is hard on them!!

I am praising Jesus for the trip and feeling so well taken care of - every detail of the trip He took care of - and also feeling completely overwhelmed and blessed of the gift of the approval! Some of you understand how emotional the paperchase to get our kids home ... it is a huge gift to my heart to be able to come home and not have to "worry" about the approval ... it makes carpe dieming easier ... the approval is so confirming of soooooooooo many things from this past year ...
( a few more pics of the 400+ I took on my trip :) ... there is snow, snow here and more is supposed to be coming


Kristin said…
Welcome home! I can imagine how you are feeling leaving your sweet little girl; and at the same time coming home to the rest of your family. YOu are in my prayers!

Hey, what hotel were the pool pictures at? It looks nice.
Anonymous said…
Hi Maria & family, hope you get this message. Maria, glad you made it home safely.We wish you many blessings on this Christmas Day and pray that this may be a special time for you as a family. We continue to keep Ella in our prayers, especially that she will join you soon.Will love her lots in the meantime!!Thinking of you with Kody's birthday coming up!!Lots of love to all your precious jewels.
Heidi,George,Ellen,Marina & Yvonne
Awo said…
Hi, Maria. My heart is so full from reading your blog and your posts that I don't even know what to say! Our adoption journey is turning out MUCH differently than we planned but I also know that it is turning out exactly the way it is supposed to. I am so glad you got to take this trip and so glad you got your approval in God's timing. God is so awesome! Your family is awesome! You are awesome!