SING His praises!

"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD, praise the LORD”, Psalm 150:6 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1

This picture is of Faith PRAISING God! That is what she told me :) This picture means soooooooooooooooooo MUCH to me ... our Faith has come such a long way & sometimes along the journey I doubted we would get to the place where she is now, an affectionate & attached precious little girl! She still has ways to go, but it blows my HEART to think how far we BOTH have come! She is a GIFT & I can NOW SINCERELY say that I adore her, and that I am so honored that I get to be her FOREVER mom! OH MY HEART!

We spent most of the day today up at one of the local mountains, where we saw endless and take your breath away evidence of GOD - our Creator!!! My Father created EVERYTHING we saw, the beautiful mountains, the trees, the colorful foilage, the lakes ... AND He created every one of my children into the unique & wonderful individuals that each one of them is AND He CREATED our family! "AND all the earth WILL SING your praises!" THANK YOU Jesus for being OUR Creator! We stand in AWE of you and your MANY CREATIONS!!!
AND FYI ... whoever said you can't hike a mountain with FIVE kids, they were wrong :) We had SOOO MUCH FUN :)


Shonni said…
What precious pics...we love to go up in the mountains with our children. I also feel so grateful to show them the beauties of the LORD.