First Thanksgiving!

Ella just celebrated her first (American) thanksgiving (we celebrated Canadian thanksgiving in October)! We celebrated with different dear friends all weekend long ... truly God has BLESSED us with amazing friends - friends who know our good and ugly and still love us!

AND last weekend we also got to drive through snow and see my mom's new place up north in the mountains, the 10 acre property being BEAUTIFUL!

This time of year I always have a more keener sense of ALL of the things and people in my life who I am truly THANKFUL for!

I would have to say that the last year and a half has greatly increased my understanding of ALL of the wonderful GIFTS God has given me! AND I would have to say that the kids that I get the priviledge of working with through my job ... daily remind that I am one blessed woman ... as some of them already in their little lives have lived more trauma than most people do in a life time!

On the day before thanksgiving my SWEET husband Sam surprised the kids and I ... when we came downstairs to have breakfast we donuts on the table as well as individual homemade cards that he had made for each one of us (yep 6 in total) telling each one of us something he was thankful in our character ...
How COMPLETELY SWEET and THOUGHTFUL is that! Truly, what a GIFT my husband is!
He is such an AMAZING man, husband and dad! He truly is the BEST earthly gift my Father and Creator has given me! THANK YOU Father for truly the hundreds of good gifts you have given me! THANK YOU Father for the sacred gift of Sam in my life! THANK YOU for YOUR plans for my life! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo thankful as my plans for my life were nothing like what my life is now! I pray that you would HELP ME to continue to trust you with whatever you put before me!
