Granted ... those miraclous words were uttered in a court room in Ghana today!

Just wanted to CELEBRATE out loud with our dear friends today! Their precious son became LEGALLY theirs - in Ghana!! God's perfect time never ceases to AMAZE me! All of us adoptive parents know that usually at least for a moment (for some of us much longer), we usually question exactly this during the WAITING TIME of bringing our children home! Maybe it is just me, but EVERY TIME I have had to re-work through whether I fully believe God's WORD about God being IN CONTROL and having a perfect plan for all of us - Jeremiah 29:11!! The reason for this is that MY TIMING of when my adopted children SHOULD come home usually does not align with God's ... and so during the EXCRUCIATING seeming like at times never ending wait ... I pray, I cry, I question, I pray, I cry, I question ...

Well this sweet boy has had MANY prayers said for him, for his court hearing!! AND soooooooo today we ALL CELEBRATE with our dear dear friends!! AND we ALSO keep on praying for the rest of the process!!!

Another sweet detail of this precious boy's story ... is that for the last 2 years MANY of us have gone before the THRONE and pleaded on his behalf! What did we pray for ... A FAMILY for this wonderful waiting soul! Sooo many of us who have had the priviledge of meeting Gabriel, were TOUCHED by his SWEET spirit! And last summer God revealed to our friends that this precious little boy was indeed meant to be theirs ... and today he is LEGALLY theirs!!

Soooooooooooo AWESOME!


Kristin said…
Yea!!! That is wonderful news! Oh, and he is SOOOOOOO cute! I am happy for your friends and for this little boy that they are now a family.
Ya know Maria...I do not go on blogs for a long time, then now and again I peek! I was reading and reading the many amazing posts of yours that I have missed in the last month or so...and scrolled down far enough to see my sweet son and your wonderful post. God's timing is perfect and we are rejoicing in the sweet life of Gabriel and the many many prayers of faithful people God has put around his life! Today i needed to read your post...not on the 16th when it got granted, or even last week...BUT today! THANK YOU FRIEND for living a life full of God's love and rich mercy! HUGS!