
Matteus said to me this morning, "mom, when are we going to adopt again?" Me, a little bit taken back, "why bud?" Matteus pauses and says, " mom, remember, there are so many kids that don't have a mommy and a daddy!"

Nope, we are not beginning any process any time soon ... but if God has been stirring YOUR HEART for quite some time now ... listen to the words of my son!

AND here are some other words that I read on someone else's blog that really struck a chord in my own heart ... as EACH and EVERY time we have adopted we have gone through exactly what the very inspiring author wrote!!

It is a blog that I have been following since last fall ... http://www.buildingtheblocks.blogspot.com/

IF God is stirring your heart, let God use this woman's words continue to stir your heart ... as we were so amazingly reminded in church yesturday GOD WILL MEET US in WHATEVER HE CALLS US TO DO!!!

"I've had my share of excuses in the past....
Too busy
Not enough money
Not enough time
Too young
Too old
Can't afford it
Already have 4 children
Not sure if it's God's will
Not sure
Can't afford it
What will others say?
What will others think?
People will think we are crazy
What if they are right?
Can't afford it.
What if it's hard on our other kids?
It's not the right time
Not sure if I would be good at it.
House is too small.
Can't afford it.
Not sure if I want to start all over again.
What would we drive?
What if it's to much work?
What if it's too hard?
Can't afford it.
Yet for every excuse God has the answer-
It's all about Him- period.
He must increase,
but I must decrease.
John 3:30
We limit God with our excuses.
We limit God with our fears.
We limit God by putting Him inside a box-
A box we have designed on our own.
But by doing this we are actually robbing ourselves-
robbing ourselves of the blessings.
Robbing ourselves of true joy
Robbing ourselves of truly living.
Because you see when we take 'us' out of the picture
Our worries,
Our fears,
Our excuses,
And we put God in the center of our lives
The possibilities are endless.
He has the way...
He IS the way...
And all you have to do is
stop making excuses and take that first step.
Stop listening to the world.
Stop being afraid of the what ifs-
And listen to the one who knows.
The one who has the answers.
The one who really matters.
The truth is
we don't have to be perfect
because He is.
We don't have to have all of the answers
because He already does.
We don't have to know how
because He will show us.
Each day you wait
is a day that they wait too...
The cost of your excuse is a lot higher than the cost of an adoption
because look at what it's costing them.
Stop making excuses.
They are waiting
And so is He...
To show you the way."

THANK YOU JESUS for that it is ALL ABOUT YOU, and not at all about us! THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUAL and daily blessings in my own life! THANK YOU FOR always meeting me in all of the things you have called me to do! THANK YOU for helping me walk through my doubts and fears AND for giving Sam and I the faith to move forward! THANK YOU for using Matteus even then (now almost 1 1/2years ago) with, "mom, we should be her family! THANK YOU for Ella, our 5th child!
