The Missing Link!

"More than two billion people claim to be followers of Jesus Christ - and that means that no organization is bigger than the church.  No government, no relief agency - no single country in fact - is bigger than the church."

"I believe that when the missing link - the church of Jesus Christ  rises from it's slumber, awakens to the magnitude of the problem, acknowledtes its sinful absence or puny efforts (at least in the West), repents of neglecting those God is passionate about, and rallies its best attention, effort, and compassion HIV/Aids (orphans, clean water, other preventable diseases) can become" something that USED to plague our world.

"The church offers love as the motivation for everything we do; the highest calling on our lives to love as Jesus loved."

"God has commissioned those in His eternal family to be His hands and feet in the world, to be His voice of love, to speak truth, to act justly, to combat evil, and to do good."

"The reality of the motherless and fatherless children of our world also pierces my heart.  I think how tragic it would have been if my three kids had grown up without their parents.  When I fix lunch for my granddaughter Kaylie, sometimes I can't help but hurt for the millions of children who scrounge through garbage dumps for edible crumbs.  As I cuddle with little Cassidy as she drifts off to sleep, sometimes I hear the frantic cries of babies abandoned on the side of the road or in a field.  I feel the despair and hopelessnes of children wandering the streets on the world's cities.  I see the faces of abused little girls rescued from evil child prostitution.  All I want is for the world's children to have what my beloved grandbabies have.  So I must ask myself, "if I don't speak for them, who will?  If I don't mother them, who will?"

"I long to pour myself out on behalf of those who ar hurting - although not just for them.  I do it as a way of loving Jesus.  Jesus loves them, and so I will love them.  He is my first love."

"Are you willing to become disturbed?  Are you willing to become ruined?  Are you willing to make a dangerous surrender?  Will  you make the invisible God visible by being His hand and feet in the this broken world - by doing good?

What are you disturbed about?  Are you making the invisible God VISIBLE?  That is my question to not only you, but also to MYSELF!!!!!  All of the quotes are from the book Dangerous Surrender, by Kay Warren, I highly reccommend the book!  I don't ever want to forget what God has shown me ... part of the reason of this post was to remind me that WE who love Jesus are the MISSING LINK to the MANY injustices of the world today!
