Cuteness Alert!

Okay seriously, could he be any CUTER?

Honestly, on some days I want to pinch myself!  As you can see, Kody is full of life, energy, spunk and joy ... not much holds him back or gets in his way!  He can start a full on passionate dance routine with simple snapping ... awesome!  Yet he also has a soft sweet side where he can give me an undending amount of hugs and kisses, so sweet! 

And to think what I would have missed out if if I had gone with what I knew, "that three kids were plenty,"  I would not have gotten to experience the pure JOY of being Kody's mom!

THANK YOU JESUS for our sweet son Kody!


Rebecca said…
What a CUTIE!! I feel the same way. My life is so busy and crazy and LOUD but I can't imagine if we'd said "just one more."
Your joy is contagious as always Maria!