
Does life ever get so busy for you that you don't even know which way to turn, or what to do next.  That is where I have been at ... since going back to work.

It has been a WHIRL WIND ... and in the midst of it the kids having been doing GREAT, I have been the one struggling.

I have way too much on my plate ... there being too many things going on, above our six jewels.  I sooooo know it but for now there is nothing I can do but keep walking each day for the next couple of weeks or so.  There just seems like a lot of things are landing all at once, one being a national standardized exam I have to take in a week and a half.  REALLY!!!  Could the timing be any worse!  I HAVE to do it though, so I am pushing through (and procrastinating).  I am not sure what I will be doing more, studying, or praying that I pass.  I also just finished my 3rd homestudy TODAY (which has been AWESOME, but has been another thing on my plate).  I could go on and on naming the things going on ... but I won't (the list is too long and overwhelming).

I am trying to be REALLY intentional with the kids with the little bit of time I have these days, but most days it does not feel like there are enough hours ... and here I am blogging (I'm supposed to be studying)  =)  The kids really are doing great though ... THANK YOU JESUS!

Going back to work brought an overwhelming amount of TRAUMA on my heart ... which hit pretty hard.  I love love love my job, and am good at keeping boundaries and protecting my heart, yet still I go through phases where the hurts that the kids I work with feels like too much.  I work with so many kids whose stories honestly could be made into movies ... SAD Hallmark movies.  Their resilience despite their unfair and cruel circumstances inspire me!

A couple of days ago I HIT A WALL ... literally ... that is what it felt like.  What did I do, first I fell flat on my face (for a while) ... then I contacted some prayer warrior girls friends who live close ... and then I pressed in with my Creator and Father.  It is amazing the PEACE God can give, in the midst of what feels like too much!

Soo these days my life is CRAZY busy!
I know it, and know I can't keep doing this for too long ... after my exam it will slow down ... I am counting down (which reminds me I should be STUDYING).  AND only 7 more weeks (or so) and summer vacation and I will have no work for a long while!

JESUS, thank you for meeting us (me) in the middle of my crazy busy!
THANK YOU for the PEACE you give!


the smiths said…
Praying for you and your fam....