9 year old SWEETS!

Life is so completely busy these days I am having a hard time keeping up, never mind keeping up with my blog.  Only 3 more weeks and I'm done with work for a minimum of 14 months!  At least a steady job, I will keep doing whatever homestudies come my way!  I really can't believe it, words are hard to describe it!  For clarification, I love my job being a school counselor!  I however also love being a mommy and with the new baby coming we really feel like the kids need one of us to be home more and it makes most sense for that to be me! I am thankful for a job where I can take a LEAVE for a year! I am also really stoked about the time, although honestly sometimes being a mommy is harder than being a school counselor!

The last month has been intense ... actually at the mom's adoption group that I lead at my house I had all of the stellar women come up with three words to describe life lately.  Mine were crazy, overwhelming, and awesome!  That about sums it up ... life has been too overwhelmingly crazy busy lately but in the midst of it I have felt and seen my Creator at work!

I started this post thinking I would just write about our Sweets who is now NINE YEARS OLD - that definately is a huge highlight over the last few weeks!  I am a mom to a 9 year old daughter ... actually the most AMAZING 9 year old I know ... AND it honestly feels like yesturday that I first held her in my arms!  Sam and I often talk about it and really can remember that first day and all those first moments CLEAR as day!  She was an instant GIFT to us and still is!  One of the things I love about our Bella is that she is still a huge cuddle bug and consequently is often sitting right in my lap, and is usually hanging out with Sam or I!  She is a JOY!!!

This year Bella decided on having a sleep over for her party, which was SO FUN for her and her friends!  Although they kept Sam and I up until way past 1 (AM that is) ... I would totally do it again!  All of their giggling and fun memories were totally worth the sleepless night!

Bella has never been one to ask a lot of questions about her birth family and history, although I notice especially as she gets older that everytime around her birthday the questions increase!  Adoption conversations are a normal part of the life of our family, me often being the one who initiates them, so I welcome them from our sweet Bella!

THANK YOU Jesus for our sweet, creative, thoughtful, fun, smart, loving, affectionate, and Jesus loving daughter!  I so completely ADORE her and know that you do too!  Thank you Jesus for entrusting her to us!  Thank you Jesus for the sacred honor of being her mom!
