Intentional Play!!!!!!!!!!!

This past weekend we had our first ever ANNUAL girls weekend, and boys weekend!!  Sam took the boys camping, and with me being super pregnant the girls and I stayed at home and did FUN things around our community (when I'm not pregnant and when I don't have a baby, i.e. next year ... I'm thinking we'll go camping too).

All to say that ALL of us had a BLAST!!!  We went and got our nails painted, a local place paints the kid's toes for super cheap.  We went to the movies, which the last time we went was probably last summer.  Faith got her ears pierced - YEAH - she finally got the COURAGE!!  We had a picnic, went for a bike ride, and went swimming ... amongst other things!!

Playing is something that Sam and I looooooovvvve to do!  We always have!  When we were dating, we played LOTS!  When we were married for the first 5 years without kids, we played LOTS!  We especially love to play OUTDOORS (anything active).  Someone told us when we got married "a couple that plays together, stays together ..."  I think prays together was in there too, with a couple of other things as well =)  I would have to say that playing and praying together are awesome things for a couple to do, AND they do help build a solid marriage!

Well, since having kids I can't say that our time of play has really slowed down.  It has definately changed, as some of the things we did before kids (i.e. play tennis a lot) we do that way less now ... and other things we do more!

I do have to say that out of all of the things that we do not do well (we have lots), playing is not one of them!   PLAYING is something we do well =)  And it is something we are really intentional about!  And it is something that defines our family!!!  We did a little article for the Alumni magazine at our university (Trinity Western University) a little bit back, and I think the guy writing it was suprised at the things we still did (then as a family of 5).  Here is a link to the article,  which I think did a good job communicating our passion for adoption using very few words!!

We know many other families who also like us LOVE to play, and then we know others who barely do it!  All to say, we highly reccommend it!!  =)  IF you haven't played for a while as a WHOLE family, go and have some FUN!!!
