Still in the hospital!

It is now Saturday, two days later and we are regrettably still here!

Yesturday was rough, to say the least ... sleeping and most of the day as well!
Jase was in a lot of pain and was pretty sedated!  And there was some frustration around the comuunication/instruction about Jase's care ...  Sam and I kept hoping Jase would start drinking but to our GREAT disappointment Jase didn't really eat or drink anything all day yesturday.  The requirement for Jase to go home is he needs to drink, and not be dependent on the IV for hydration!

Being here certainly makes you think about all of the little jewels and their parents/families who have repeated and extended stays in hospitals, and who endure pain and other serious medical conditions all of the time!  The last couple of days have not a good impact on Jase's little spirit, I can only imagine the impact if we had to be here for days and days ...

Jase woke up a lot more last night which although it made our sleep more disrupted ... it was also good.  It just showed that he was more alrert and more with it.  Jase is not too impressed with the nurses here as they keep on having to check and poke him.  He has gotten quite mad at quite few of them, and when they appear his mood certainly worsens.  We totally understand where he is coming from, as do the nurses (so we know there are no hurt feelings).

This morning Jase has eaten for the first time ... a frozen banana ice cream mix ... and has drank a bit of apple juice.  we are "trusting" that he will keep eating/drinking so we can go home.  His IV has been turned down, HUGE YEAH ...

Jase just had his first laugh in almost two days ... this is so NOT him ... he laughs all the time!  This was a WONDERFUL sound to hear!

Please pray with us ... that Jase will continue to heal and that we will get to go HOME TODAY (Saturday).
Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH to everyone who is praying!  We sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo appreciate your prayers!


the smiths said…
Praying for a Saturday discharge......
Shonni said…
I am praying and hoping that he is feeling better soon!