
One of my favorite grown up people on the planet, who also happens to one of my best friends who I live life with, just traveled to Ethiopia and brought home their sweet son Max.  The picture above was taken in Ethiopia just last week, when Melissa was there bringing home Max.

I know I've talked on here before about Melissa.  She's the one who makes beautiful head bands, flowers, and scarves - and is my running/walking partner (amongst other things).  She started creating things as a fundraiser to bring home Max, and is still doing it to fund raise, and because she loves to be creative.

Max is her and her husband's 5th child, and their second son from Ethiopia.  I've loved walking this adoption paperchase and journey with her, and am so stoked for her whole family that now Max is HOME.

Her adoption journey went super fast, which has been amazing, but also makes my heart sad as I know many whose paperchase is taking a very long time.  Melissa and Blake started their journey for their son last summer, thinking it would take at least a couple of years and 9 months later he is home.  How awesome is that!!

Melissa has such a humble sweet spirit (one of the many things I love about her), as well as an unwavering faith in our Creator.  She was able to remain calm and patient throughout the process, which I (and some of you) know how incredibly difficult that is to do.

I just thought I would post and give PRAISES to my Creator and King who knows all of the details of our lives, and who also turns the unbearable tragic into miracles and gifts.  THANK YOU JESUS for the miracle of adoption, that despite the tragic loss of birth family for many of our jewels, you pick up the pieces and give LIFE to them and to us their forever parents.

It is amazing to me how quickly an orphan no longer "looks" like an orphan.  Just 2 weeks ago Max was in an ORPHANAGE being cared for by nannies, along side all of the other babies and kids in the orphanage.  NOW he is HOME, and honestly he "looks" he has always been.  Max is already completely adored by his mom & dad, and four older siblings.  And somehow (a detail I credit God), looks a lot like their other adopted son from Ethiopia.  What a sweet God detail.

THANK YOU JESUS for the tangible ways you love us.
