I really don't understand!

144 million orphans
2 billion Christians
The math doesn't add up to me.  It doesn't make sense mathematically nor does it make sense to my heart.
I believe that God's call to Christians to take care of orphans is something that is so crystal clear when you read throughout Scripture from the Old Testament to the New Testament.  No, it does not say that every believer should adopt a child but it does implore every Christian to take care of the fatherless.
So I don't understand, why are there still orphans RIGHT now waiting for families or why are there STILL organizations pleading for donations to take care of those orphans that are unadoptable (usually because of the political structures within their countries).  Why are not more believers stepping up and stepping out?
Are we afraid?  Afraid of the changes that will take place within our "perfect" families.  Is our faith not big enough?  Do we doubt God's provisions and blessings? Do we think that He is not big enough to take care of us if we give more of our money away, to cover our adoption expenses if we adopt, or to cover our monthly bills if we add more children to our families?  Or are we just too caught up with living in today's culture, that it is hard to step outside of it and outside ourselves to truly SEE the needs of the world.

As our pastor pointed out today ... we don't need to building earthly mansions because one day we will all get our own mansions as God is right now preparing mansions for us in Heaven ...
When we really look at the life of Jesus He lived a radical life.  Jesus' life was by no means comfortable, every detail being outside of the norms of the religious practises of that day.  Are we not supposed to try to live a life like Jesus did?  Why is it then such a big stretch for so many of us?
I wish I could say that every time I have felt God call us to adopt that we initially and immediately said YES Lord.  The truth is though that except for the first time it every time felt like it was an arm wrestle, where I had the stronger and more aggressive hand.  It was for me because every time all of my selfishness, uglyness, and desires to simply live in the world came to the surface.  YES I want to live a RADICAL life for Jesus but simultaneously part of me wants to not stick out too much, and I also want to have at least some of the "stuff" that this world entices us with.  And yes as I've shared before part of me also every time has struggled with giving up "control" of my life as I like to feel like I am in control.
Right now there are precious orphan jewels waiting EVERYWHERE.
Some are waiting for sponsorship ...
Some are waiting for someone to mentor them ...
Some are waiting to become a son or daughter to someone ...
All waiting to be wanted and cared about by someone ...
I know that people think I have "enough" kids.  Actually I know some people think I have too many kids.  I'm sure those people think that there is no way that my kids are getting what they need, and perhaps they even think that my older kids are parenting the younger ones.  Some people I know even feel sorry for me.  I see it in your eyes or I hear it in your comments.  PLEASE don't for even a minute feel sorry for me (and in case you are wondering our older kids don't parent our younger kids ... ). 
I actually feel the opposite of that.  I feel so immensely blessed, truly.  No my life is not perfect, I don't think anyone's is.  Yes I do often feel totally exhausted and at times overwhelmed, but don't we all.  I remember feeling this exact same way when we had only two children.  Honestly, the overall feeling I have about my life is that I feel blessed ... and not just blessed in a general and casual way but in an immense deep and life changing way.
Through each one of our jewels God has revealed more of Himself to me.  Through each one our jewels God has grown my Faith.  Through each one my children I've seen more and more AND felt more and more of my Father's heart.  Yes my life and heart is full that I don't have a choice but to fully lean on my Father and in that leaning I have enormous gratitude and praise as I'm more open to and aware of every one of HIS details over my life.  As a result I can't help it but have immense gratitude over detail after detail that HE takes care of.
If truth be told, I also LOVE being a mom... yep to each one of our 7 jewels.  I am a hands on, get my hands dirty in the mud kind of parent and so is Sam (at least we try to be).  Our jewels truly have been for me one of life's greatest treasures.  (Yes parenting our 7 jewels is not always easy as for a couple of our jewels the impacts of their trauma play a daily role.  But you see it is just that, their trauma simply play a role, it no longer dominates their lives and for that I'm incredibly thankful.  Have we had to completely change our lives and the way we parent.  Absolutely, and I'm so glad that we did!) 
Yes we adopt and sponsor children because we feel like scripture is clear, but we also adopt out of the immense blessings and love that we feel by our Heavenly Father. 
What are your obstacles to living the life God created you for?  What are your obstacles to doing your part to care for the fatherless?  If you are wondering your part ... try reading through Scripture and asking to reveal His heart for the fatherless to you.
