My Thanksgiving List!

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and I'm seeing different thankful lists either on blogs or on facebook.  And so they've inspired me to start my own.  I love the idea of doing one every day leading up to Thanksgiving, but don't think I'll get to actually sitting down and writing one every day.  Instead I think I will do one to represent each day leading up to thanksgiving.
I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone, keeping an ongoing LIST of things you are thankful for. Since reading 1000 Gifts I have started a LIST and I add to it on a weekly basis, and my list is in the hundreds ... it truly having transformed how I view things ... and it continuing to transform my heart attitude on a weekly, sometimes daily basis.  God has used this book (given to me a couple of years ago from one of my best friends who lives on the East Coast - thank you Kate) profoundly in my life.
So here are the first random, top of my head 12 things, which I am thankful for (to represent the first twelve days of November):
1.  For my Father that loves me UNCONDITIONALLY
2.  For the promptings, leadings, and comfort of the Holy Spirit
3.  For the heater that blows every day in my house and keeps us all WARM all throughout the year
4.  For that we OWN a house, and never have to worry about where we will sleep or be for the night.
5.  For the dishwasher that is right now running and is WASHING our dishes from the day for us so that we don't have to do it
6.  For the fact that all of my children and husband are overall HEALTHY, and no one is fighting a life threatening disease or illness
7.  For our easily ACCESSIBLE and amazing local pediatrician who has a manageable caseload of clients, and consequently provides stellar care for each one of my children, whenever needed
8.  For the fact that we have health coverage for EVERY single person in my family and that that is not something I have to ever worry about
9.  For the clean water that run out of our faucets whenever we want or need it
10.  That each one of my children is SAFE in my house right now, soon to be tucked into their own sweet beds by their dad and I
11.  That God gave me the SACRED gift of my husband 16 years ago, a gift that so daily blesses me in a countless amount of ways
12.  For the amazing CREATION that so defines our area of the country, the beautiful Northwest; the mountains and oceans blessing and always filling up my soul (which is where the picture up above was taken ... yesterday)
:)  Blessings!!
